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Add or Remove Product from Vendor

Learn How to Add and remove Product and Vendor connection.


This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add or remove products from vendors using two different methods in our application.

Method 1 - Via Vendor Detail Page

Navigate to Vendor Page: Click on the Vendor link under the Purchase Orders section and then Search a Vendor and Select View to see Vendor details Page which also shows the products that it carries.
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Select and Add a Product: To add a product, click on the input field labeled Search for a product to add and type the product's name. Now you can choose the desired product from the search results.
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Edit a Product: Click on the Edit link to modify Product Details
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Delete a Product: Select Delete to remove product from Vendor.
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Method 2: Via Product List Page

Navigate to Products: Click on the Products link under the Inventory section.
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Select Products to Manage Vendors: Use the checkboxes to select the products you wish to associate with a vendor. You can choose multiple products at one time. Click on the Manage Vendors link to proceed.
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Choose a Vendor: From the dropdown menu, select Choose a vendor to associate the selected products with a specific vendor.
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Review and Process: Carefully review your selections and any highlighted notes or instructions. Finally, click the Process button to complete the association.
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Once you have followed these steps, you will have successfully added or removed products from a vendor in our application.
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